Connecting buyers and sellers through the internet are made possible with the help of e-Commerce. The E-commerce websites are designed to have a rapid interaction with customers and then to provide quick solutions to them through the products/ services. But the customers can easily get turned down if your e-commerce website or application provides them with poor user experience.

Online customers became more delicate Now-a-days. If they find any minor issue or error on the e-commerce website or application, they probably will leave your business ad in the worst case, may look at other alternatives. Online customers are looking out for the fastest, easiest, & extraordinary shopping experiences.
This is why the verification of the quality of applications through testing in e commerce is very critical.

Testing In E commerce

E-commerce sites are virtual places where buying and selling of goods and services occur through an application. E-commerce is a software or an app that allows B2B and B2C transactions through the internet.

Processes like Marketing goods/services, inventory management, fund transfers are done digitally through an application.

As money is involved in the process, People should feel secure and also be able to operate the application smoothly because nobody wants to toss out their credit card or bank information, without ensuring the safety. Therefore, testing interface quality and security are very critical. Meticulous attention should be paid to essential factors like the functionality of the product, the correctness of the system in calculations, payment gateways, site performance, and usability, and soon. Because even a tiny flaw can result in a very significant loss of business revenue.

The e-commerce sites and applications should meet high-quality standards, as these are very similar to any other banking application. Testing all the features of the application will help us ensure that it doesn’t have any bugs and also to ensure that it gives a better customer experience. Testing in e commerce adds value to the product by providing conformity to the requirements of the clients.

The objective of testing in e-commerce

The global revenue in e-commerce businesses is growing each year. As per the latest reports from statista, E-Commerce sales accounted for 14.1% of all retail sales worldwide. And this will reach 17.5% by 2021. Since this sector is more profitable than any other industry, there has been significant growth in the number of online stores.

The objective of testing in e commerce industry is to ensure Software reliability, Quality, System assurance, and optimum performance & capacity utilization.

Software Reliability

Software Reliability refers to the ability of the software to perform critical tasks like collecting and securing customer data, providing payment gateway to function correctly in a given environment, for a particular amount of time. Testing software reliability will provide us with insights into many problems in software design and functionality.

Software Quality

Software Quality is the degree of conformance to the correctness of program logic & implementation. Testing each module while writing or modifying will help us to increase the quality. Verifying boundary conditions and test values & performing interface testing to find functional errors will prevent complex problems. When the user is trying to check out, and the application shows inaccurate tax, and shipping charges lead to abandoned carts. So, testing in e commerce is very critical to increasing the quality of the product.

System Assurance

System Assurance helps in delivering quality products after the conformance of requirements. The interdependence of the parties (bank, clearinghouse, and the customer) involved in the system makes the process more complicated. If there is an error in the system, all the parties may lose much money, and in the worst case, the e commerce business can lose its reputation. The primary purpose of System Assurance is to increase the organization’s confidence in the e commerce system and also the processes.

Ensuring Optimum Performance and Capacity utilization of the components of e commerce system is possible only through the testing in e commerce system. Planning and performing Stress or capacity testing to be sure that the system is capable of performing flawlessly even at peak usage.


These are some of the benefits of performing testing in e commerce industry:

  • Ensures that the system is safe and secure.

  • Helps in making the e commerce application bug free.

  • Enables organizations to offer customers, transparency in all activities.

  • Helps organizations to increase conversions and ROI.

  • Ensures the performance, usability, accessibility, & other features of the sites in the given environment.

Major Challenges

  • Invigorate change in technology brings in new features and better functionality. In order to test new features, the tester has to set the environment according to the changes in technology. This makes the testing process difficult from time to time.

  • Simulating all kinds of customers, from a new customer to experienced customer, to meet the needs of testing. And also simulating business environment to buy goods, calculating taxes and shipping charges, and making credit card payments.

  • Tight time frames and budget limitations.

  • Difficulty in the integration of third-party systems in the testing process.

  • Compliance with security guidelines to safeguard confidential data like customer data, bank/ credit card details, & identity.


Undoubtedly, E commerce testing is a challenging task to perform. The difficulty is due to the complex nature of the e commerce system. But we know how to overcome these challenges to help e commerce businesses make the best quality product.

At QAonCloud, we have qualified e commerce domain experts who can test all the functionalities of your e commerce applications. Talk to our experts today!

We will explain the types of testing and the key areas to focus on testing in e commerce industry, in the next blog post. So, keep visiting this site.